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jSign® eSignature Integration for OneDrive

Whether you’re at home, on vacation, or at the office, get your documents signed quickly and conveniently with jSign and OneDrive.

Start signing online with jSign today!

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Instantly Boost Productivity with jSign® Electronic Signature Integration for OneDrive

The jSign electronic signature integration for OneDrive is the easiest way to include eSignatures into your workflow.

Switching between screens and programs is a pain—and can eat up hours of productive time.

Printing, scanning, faxing or mailing documents takes even longer.

Speed up your tasks with jSign.

Close deals, get approvals, and finalize documents from anywhere. Sign PDFs, contracts, legal documents, and invoices on your computer, laptop, or phone.

Start signing documents from OneDrive with jSign today.

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Your important OneDrive documents — signed fast.
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Real-time notifications means never waiting on an eSignature notification again. Get notified right when documents have been signed.
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Instantly sign and invite others from around the world to sign OneDrive documents.
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Automatically save all of your signed documents in the cloud with OneDrive.
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Protected by blockchain technology to track every stage of the online signature process.
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The power of GPS further confirms the validity of a signer by capturing the exact location of a signature to identify if it’s coming from a home computer or mobile device.
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HIPAA-compliant and compliant with all major eSignature laws including UETA and ESIGN.

Never let signatures slow you down again. jSign’s eSignature integration for OneDrive was designed to work seamlessly into your workflow. Get all the advantages of an electronic signature system without having to waste time switching between platforms and programs.

How the jSign OneDrive eSignature Integration Works

Integrating eSignatures with OneDrive shouldn’t be complicated. So we made it easy.

The jSign electronic signature integration for OneDrive was designed from the ground up with convenience in mind.

jSign connect account
Onedrive upload
jSign insert signatures
jSign add signers
jSign certificate of completion

More Features Beyond jSign’s eSignature Integration for OneDrive

Looking for more features from your eSignature solution? We’ve got you covered.

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Seamless integration with OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox
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Automatically save signed documents to OneDrive for easy access
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Sign documents in parallel order or set up a sequence
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Unlimited signers/contacts
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Support for .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx,.bmp, .png, .jpg file formats
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Easily send reminders and set due dates

How Do I Electronically Sign a Document in OneDrive?

Signing OneDrive documents is easy with jSign. Navigate to Settings > Document Settings in your jSign account, then log into OneDrive to connect. Once connected, you can easily upload documents from OneDrive, send them out to collect eSignatures, and save signed documents directly to your OneDrive account for easy access and better organization.

Ultimate Protection Supported by Blockchain

Know that your OneDrive eSignatures are authentic and free from tampering.

When you use jSign to digitally sign documents with OneDrive, you never have to wonder if your documents have valid eSignatures.

jSign uses the magic of blockchain to log and timestamp every action taken with a document.

Now you can use blockchain’s more secure database technology to help prevent fraud, fake signatures, and other types of tampering with your electronically signed OneDrive documents.

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All documents are tracked and timestamped for your protection.
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Need to restrict signing locations? Now you can.
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A Certificate of Completion containing the location of signers, IP address, browser, and device is sent with each document.
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Two-factor mobile number and email authentication is there when you need it.

The Best eSignature Integration for OneDrive

If you haven’t signed up for jSign yet, what are you waiting for?

Sign up to find out how easily you can complete signing legally binding documents using jSign. You’ll get instant access to the integration for OneDrive, plus integrations for Google Drive and DropBox.

Current jSign members already have access to the OneDrive integration included in their dashboard.

Why Use Blockchain for eSignatures with OneDrive?

Busy professionals who use OneDrive to manage their documents use jSign for electronic signatures.

Built on blockchain technology to offer signature authenticity like never before, jSign’s seamless OneDrive integration provides protection and peace-of-mind when you’re on the go.

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The Perfect Audit Trail

Blockchain provides you with a perfect record of activity that serves as an audit trail. Each step of the signing process is tracked and timestamped.

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Document Authenticity

Blockchain data is unchangeable. Records stored in blockchain can’t be tampered with or modified.

Ultimate Protection

Blockchain’s unique technology doesn’t store data in one centralized location, which makes it extremely difficult to hack.

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Worry-free Document Signing in the Cloud

Whether you’re signing a document or need to collect signatures, jSign makes electronic signing a breeze. Get started today.