Signature Style: What Does Your Signature Say About You?
It’s true what they say. Handwriting says a lot about your personality. And your signature is no different. From the size of your letters to the amount of pressure you apply when writing, your signature style reflects who you are as a person.
In this post, we’ll take a look at different elements of signatures and what they say about you. Then, we’ll go over how to create a signature that reflects your identity, emphasizes your professionalism, and enhances your personal brand.

Why Are Signatures Important?
Signatures are important for a number of reasons. For one, you need your signature to verify the authenticity and validity of a document, whether you’re signing it on paper or using an electronic signature service like jSign.
Two, your signature signifies your approval of a document. But a signature goes beyond showing you agree to a contract. Your signature also represents your originality and your style of art.
Just think about it.
What do you commonly see on artwork—aside from the masterpiece? A cool signature, right? An artist’s signature claims ownership of their work of art, gives it additional value, and marks it as a complete, saleable piece. That’s similar to the way you sign a document.
So, in a nutshell, your signature represents you. If you have a brand, it can help people recognize you more quickly. In the business world, your signature emphasizes your professionalism. When you sign a document, your signature adds value to the document itself.
Signatures and Their Key Elements
The way you sign your name can reveal a lot about your personality. Let’s look at some of the most important elements of a signature and what they mean.
If you pay attention to different signatures, then you might’ve noticed many styles. Signatures that are fancy and intricate with highly stylized letters might indicate that the signer is creative and passionate.
Your signature might also feature embellishments, which are special touches that add something more. For example, long lines might indicate determination, drive, and perseverance.
Or, if you follow your name with a full stop or period, it could show that you have a strong sense of self and seriousness. A signature with an underline might mean you’re proud and vain, while a signature that ends with a flick could indicate someone who’s energetic and a go-getter.
Some people also add backward loops in their signature. This might show that they have big hopes and dreams.
Small letters might indicate that you’re quiet and shy. They could also show that you’re meticulous and have a keen eye for detail. While average sized letters show that you’re well-adjusted and adaptable, large letters could indicate that you’re an outgoing, outspoken person.
How much pressure you put on the page when you write your signature can also reveal a lot about you. For example, if you apply heavy pressure—which creates darker lines—it could show that you have strong emotions and are quick to react. Light pressure implies that you’re calm, passive, and tolerant.
The spaces you put between the letters in your signature might symbolize the space you prefer between you and other people.
For example, small gaps between letters might show that you’re a people person, while large gaps could mean you need your space and privacy.
Believe it or not, the angle of your signature can say a lot about who you are as a person. There are three different angles a signature may display: ascending, descending, and straight.
- Ascending (upward slant): Sense of ambition, optimism, creativity, and vitality
- Descending (downward slant): Avoids risks, pessimistic
- Straight: Balanced, organized, and self-sufficient
Signatures that are illegible, or difficult to read, may reflect a quick mind that doesn’t get bogged down by details. On the other hand, a more legible signature style displays that you’re open and have nothing to hide.
Do you sign with just your initials? Or just your first name? Maybe you even use a nickname. In either case, an incomplete signature could show an independent streak. It could also be a sign of efficiency, or evidence that you’re a private person.
How to Create Your Own Unique Signature
Make your own best signature by considering the below.
Choose the Type of Image You Want to Convey
While a simple signature is more easy to read, a complex signature shows more style. Figure out how you want your signature to convey you as a person.
If you want a more unique signature that’s difficult to replicate, and that also shows creativity, go for a more flamboyant signature style with intricate designs. Or, consider adding symbols for an even more unique look. You can also create two different signatures—one for personal use and another for business purposes.
Decide What Your Signature Will Include
Obviously, you want your signature to include your name. But do you really want to write out your entire name each time you sign a document? Instead, consider just using your initials. Or you could include your first initial and your complete last name, or vice versa.
Choose a Signature Style
Experiment with different styles and create signature looks. Think about angles, letter size, pressure, spacing, legibility, and completeness. You can either write your signature in cursive or print your name to make it more legible. Whatever style you choose, make sure it reflects your personality and brand.
Choose the Type of Image You Want to Convey
While a simple signature is more easy to read, a complex signature shows more style. Figure out how you want your signature to convey you as a person.
If you want a more unique signature that’s difficult to replicate, and that also shows creativity, go for a more flamboyant signature style with intricate designs. Or, consider adding symbols for an even more unique look. You can also create two different signatures—one for personal use and another for business purposes.
Signature Style FAQs
There are many things you can try out to make your signature more unique. Here are a few key elements of a cool signature:
- Experiment.
- Emphasize certain letters.
- Underline your signature for emphasis.
- Draw inspiration from calligraphy and old fashioned fonts.
- Add numbers or symbols.
You can use your full name, nickname, or initials in your signature.
There is no best signature. Creating a signature is all about choosing a style that best reflects who you are.
Related FAQs
What does a signature look like?
A signature is an individual’s name written in a stylized way to sign various documents. There are many types of signatures, each unique to the individual creating it. Signatures can come in all shapes and sizes depending on the person’s writing preferences, the spacing of their letters, their sizes and even the pressure they use when signing their name.
Since a signature is a unique mark representing the individual, no two signatures are alike. Signatures allow the person to express themselves while also acknowledging their acceptance of contracted terms or providing proof of ownership over something.
How is a signature supposed to be?
There is no specific format for a signature; however, there are some things you should consider.
First, you’ll want to create a signature that you can keep consistent over time. Since signatures are often used to verify their uniqueness, you’ll want to ensure they can be replicated repeatedly over the years. While not all signatures need to be completely legible, you should make sure that you include your full name in print or a combination of initials and your last name spelled out.
You can also create two different signatures that you can use for both formal and informal purposes.
How do I create my signature?
First, consider what elements you want to include. Most people use their full name, but you can also use your initials or even a nickname. Remember that you must use your full first and last name on formal or legally binding documents.
You can experiment with different styles, like cursive or print, and play around with your letters’ angle, size and spacing. Once you’ve settled on a design, practice it until it feels natural and consistent.
jSign offers a seamless and secure way to create and manage your electronic signatures in one place. With our user-friendly platform, you can easily upload and customize your signature or even create a new one using drawing tools on your tablet or smart device.
Create a Signature You Can Call Your Own
Signatures are meant to be unique and reflect individuality. So, create a signature style that shows who you are. At jSign, we aim to make it easy for you to create custom electronic signatures for signing documents online. With our online signature maker, you can draw your signature, use a sign pad, choose a template, or even take a picture of a signature you want to upload. Sign up for a free trial today!