Embedded Signing (GET /v2.0/envelopes/{envelopeId}/generate_embedded_url/{signerEmail})

Embedded Signing enables users to view and sign the document directly on a web application using an iFrame.


There are a few configurations required to enable Embedded Signing flow.

  1. Generate signing URL using API request. Using an API endpoint user can create a signing URL; keep in mind that the signing URL expires after 600 seconds (10 minutes). You will need to generate a new signing URL when the older one gets expired.

  2. View signing request in user interface. Once you received the signing URL, the next step is to load it into the user interface. To make the flow work, include the following code on your web application:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://app.jsign.com/script/embeddedsignhandler.js"></script>

After adding the javascript, include the following code and specify all required options to display an iFrame:

containerID: containerID,
events: {
loaded: function () {
console.log("loaded callback");
signed: function () {
console.log("signed Callback");
declined: function () {
console.log("declined Callback");
error: function () {
console.log("error Callback");

Parameter Details

Parameter Detail
URL Embedded signing URL retrieved from API request.
containerID ID of an element (such as div) where you want to place your iFrame.
events.loaded This callback function triggers when the iFrame finishes loading.
events.signed This callback function triggers when the document is signed.
events.declined This callback function triggers if the document is declined.
events.error This callback function triggers when an error occurs in the iFrame loading or signing process.

Request Parameters


Request Headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer {access_token}
app_auth_type jsign-oauth2

Request Parameters

Field Type Required Description
envelopeId GUID Yes Envelope ID for which embedded signing URL is to be generated.
signerEmail string Yes Email of signer for whom the embedded signing URL is to be generated.

Response Parameters


Response Body Message Field

Field Value
message The returned message

Response Body Data Fields

Field Always Present? Notes
embedded_sign_url Yes Embedded signing URL
expires_at Yes Expiration time (UNIX timestamp)

Sample Success Response

curl --location --request GET 'api/v2.0/envelopes/dc9f8e29-9519-4a1a-8983-626a54509398/generate_embedded_url/[email protected]' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9'
--header 'app_auth_type: jsign-oauth2' \

"message": "",
"data": {
"embedded_sign_url": ""https://example.com/envelope/embeddedSign?et=37485f78-7014-4181-a096-e7eb8247a8de",",
"expires_at": 1639051366

Sample Error Response

curl --location --request GET 'api/v2.0/envelopes/dc9f8e29-9519-4a1a-8983-626a54509398/generate_embedded_url/jon.smithemail.com'' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9'
--header 'app_auth_type: jsign-oauth2' \

"errors": [
"error_code": "SIGNER_EMAIL_INVALID",
"developer_message": "Signer Email is invalid."

Note: View the full list of applicable error code for this method here.

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