Detailed Error Codes

When a data validation or submission error occurs, it is presented in the format described below. Errors are accompanied with an HTTP Status Code other than 2xx. These error codes are meant for internal troubleshooting purposes only. When returning errors, the API provides an error code and more specific error message, if possible.

Note: Keep in mind that the codes below are considered common — that is, they can be returned by any of the API calls. Codes unique to a specific API call are listed with that particular call. All of the detailed error codes listed below are HTTP Status Code 400, EXCEPT for TOKEN_EXPIRED and UNAUTHORIZED, which are 401 errors, and EMAIL_SENDING_FAILED and SYSTEM_ERROR, which are 500 errors.

The following detailed error codes are used throughout the jSign API:

  Detailed Error Code Description Applicable Methods
A ACCOUNT_DATA_PROCESSING_FAILURE An error occurred during account data processing Account details
ALIGNMENT_VALUE_IS_REQUIRED Alignment value is required Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ANY_TWO_PLACEHOLDER_OVERLAPPING There are two or more sign placeholders overlapping in this document. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
APPLY_TO_ALL_PAGES_INVALID 'Apply_to_all_pages' cannot be passed when element tag is used. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ATTACHMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Maximum 10 files can be attached per document with user. Add attachments
ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND No attachments found Download attachment
 C CATEGORIES_EMPTY Categories should not be empty Update envelope metadata, Post envelopes list
CHAR_LIMIT_TYPE_VALUE_IS_REQUIRED Char limit type value is required Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
CHECKBOX_DEFAULT_VALUE_INVALID Default value is checked / unchecked. At least one checkbox should be checked. Create envelope with template
CHECKBOX_GROUP_NAME_REQUIRED Group name is required. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
CHECKBOX_GROUP_NAME_CHARACTER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Group name cannot be longer than 100 characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
CHECKBOX_GROUP_NOT_FOUND In signer checkbox, group value not present in group declaration. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
CONTACT_CAN_NOT_BE_BOTH_AT_SAME_TIME The signer can not be both signer and observer at a same time.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template, Create template with file request

CUSTOMDATE_DEFAULT_VALUE_INVALID Custom date default value must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. Create envelope with template
D DEACTIVATED_TEMPLATE_ID Template ID is deactivated.

Create envelope with template

DECLINE_REASON_HTML_NOT_ALLOWED HTML tags are not allowed in decline reason. Decline
DECLINE_REASON_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED Decline envelope reason cannot be more than 500 characters. Decline
DECLINE_REASON_MIN_LENGTH_ALLOWED Decline envelope reason cannot be less than 1 character. Decline
DEFAULT_VALUE_REQUIRED Default value cannot be null, blank, or empty Create envelope with template
DOCUMENT_BASE64_NULL_OR_EMPTY The provided document base64 string is invalid. Create envelope, Create template
DOCUMENT_BASE64_STRING_DUPLICATE Documents base64 string must be unique in documents list. Create envelope, Create template
DOCUMENT_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED The uploaded file size exceeded than allowed size in the User Plan Upload file request, Upload file template request, Create template
DOCUMENT_INVALID_BASE64_OR_EXTENSION Invalid document base64 string or extension. Create envelope, Create template
DOCUMENT_IS_NOT_SIGNED The requested document is not signed. Download envelope document

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request

DOCUMENT_NAME_INVALID_CHARACTER Document name contains invalid characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DOCUMENT_NAME_INVALID_EXTENSION Missing file extension or having invalid file extension. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DOCUMENT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED Document name cannot be more than 150 characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DOCUMENT_NAME_REQUIRED Document name is required Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND The document specified was not found.

Download envelope document

DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBER_DUPLICATE Documents reference number must be unique in documents list. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBER_INVALID Document reference number cannot be negative or zero. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBER_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED Document reference number cannot be more than 3 digits. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBER_NOT_MATCH Document reference number value does not match with the provided documents. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DOCUMENT_REQUEST_ID_DUPLICATE Documents request id must be unique in documents list. Create template, Create template with file request
DROPDOWN_ALIGNMENT_INVALID Alignment value is invalid. Allowable values are Top, Middle, or Bottom Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DROPDOWN_DEFAULT_OPTION_INVALID Default option should be present in dropdown options. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DROPDOWN_DEFAULT_VALUE_INVALID Default value for dropdown must exist in template dropdown options. Create envelope with template
DROPDOWN_OPTION_CHARACTER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Dropdown option cannot be longer than 50 characters Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DROPDOWN_OPTIONS_DUPLICATE Dropdown options value should be unique Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DROPDOWN OPTIONS_REQUIRED At least one option is required in dropdown. This option cannot be null or empty. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DUE_DATE_REQUIRED Due date is required. Extend envelope signing due date
DUPLICATE_GROUP In signer checkbox, group value should be unique for each signer. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
DUPLICATE_PLACEHOLDER_EXIST Duplicate placeholder values found for one or more signers Create envelope with template
E EDITABLE_REQUIRED Value should be true or false Create envelope with template
ELEMENT_TAG_DETAIL_SHOULD_BE_EMPTY Element tag detail should be empty when Element tag is disabled. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ELEMENT_TAG_INVALID_HEIGHT Element tag invalid height Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ELEMENT_TAG_INVALID_WIDTH Element tag invalid width Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ELEMENT_TAG_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Element tag cannot be longer than 25 characters Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ELEMENT_TAG_REQUIRED Element tag is required. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
EMAIL_ADDRESS_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED Email length can not be more than 150 characters. Remind
EMAIL_INVALID Email format is invalid. Get an OAuth token


Given signer email does not belong to this document Remind
EMAIL_IS_REQUIRED Email is required. Remind
EMAIL_REQUIRED Email is required. Get an OAuth token
EMAIL_SENDING_FAILED An error occurred while sending mail (a 500 error) Remind
EMBEDDED_URL_GENERATION_FAILED This document has already been signed Embedded signing
EMPTY_CONTENT_FILE Uploaded file has empty content. Upload file template
END_DATE_REQUIRED End date is required. Post envelopes list
ENVELOPE_ALREADY_DELETED Requested envelope is already deleted. Delete envelope
ENVELOPE_ALREADY_SIGNED This envelope has been already signed. Embedded signing
ENVELOPE_ALREADY_SIGNED_BY_SIGNER This signer has already signed the Envelope. You can only send reminder to those who have not sign yet. Remind
ENVELOPE_ALREADY_SIGNED_BY_USER This envelope has been already signed. Embedded signing
ENVELOPE_AUDIT_LOGS_NOT_FOUND Envelope audit logs not found. Audit logs
ENVELOPE_CANCELLED This envelope has been cancelled Embedded signing
ENVELOPE_CANCEL_REASON_HTML_IS_NOT_ALLOWED Html tags are not allowed in cancel reason. Cancel
ENVELOPE_CANCEL_REASON_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED Cancellation message cannot be more than 500 characters. Cancel
ENVELOPE_CANCEL_REASON_REQUIRED Cancellation reason is required. Cancel
ENVELOPE_CATEGORY_CHARACTER_LIMIT_EXCEEDS Envelope Category/Tag can have a max of 15 characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_CATEGORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDS Maximum 5 envelope category/tags can be attached. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create an envelope Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_CREATION_IN_BLOCKCHAIN_FAILED Failed to create envelope in blockchain. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_CREATOR_CANNOT_DECLINE Envelope creator cannot decline the envelope. Decline
ENVELOPE_DECLINED This envelope has been declined. Embedded signing
ENVELOPE_DECLINE_ALLOWED_ONLY_UNSIGNED_ENVELOPE Only unsigned envelopes can be declined. Decline
ENVELOPE_DELEGATED This envelope has been reassigned. Embedded sigining
ENVELOPE_DELETE_ERROR Some error occurred while deleting the envelope (try again). Delete envelope
ENVELOPE_DELETED Envelope has been deleted Embedded sigining
ENVELOPE_DESCRIPTION_HTML_IS_NOT_ALLOWED HTML tags are not allowed. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Update envelope metadata, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED Envelope description can have a max of 100 characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Update envelope metadata, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_DESCRIPTION_MIN_LENGTH_EXCEEDED Envelope description cannot be less than 1 character. Update envelope metadata
ENVELOPE_DETAIL_REQUIRED Envelope information cannot be null or empty. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_DOCUMENTS_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED You have exceeded the max number of documents per envelope the {brandname} system allows at this time. Please upload {NumberofDocumentsPerEnvelopes} documents or fewer per envelope. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_DOCUMENTS_REQUIRED Envelope documents cannot be null or empty; at least one document must be attached. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_EXPIRED This envelope has expired. Embedded signing
ENVELOPE_FAILED This envelope failed. Try again. Embedded signing
ENVELOPE_INVALID This envelope is invalid. Embedded signing
ENVELOPE_NAME_HTML_NOT_ALLOWED Html tags are not allowed. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Update envelope metadata, Create envelope with template, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED Envelope name cannot be more than 150 characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Update envelope metadata, Create envelope with template, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_NAME_MIN_LENGTH_ALLOWED Envelope name cannot be less than 1 characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Update envelope metadata, Create envelope with template, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_NAME_REQUIRED Envelope name is required. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_NOT_EXPIRED Due date can be extended for expired envelopes only. Extend envelope signing due date
ENVELOPE_NOT_FOUND Envelope not found. Envelope details, Envelope history, Embedded signing, Update envelope metadata
ENVELOPE_NOT_FOUND_OR_RECIPIENT_NO_ACCESS The requested envelope is not found or recipient does not have permission to access envelope. Add attachments, List attachments, Download attachments, Retrieve envelope metadata, Envelope details, Envelope history, Download envelope document, Decline, Cancel, Delete envelope, Audit logs
ENVELOPE_NOT_SIGNED Requested envelope is not signed (you can only delete a signed envelope). Delete envelope
ENVELOPE_RECIPIENTS_REQUIRED Envelope recipients cannot be null or empty. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template, Create template with file request
ENVELOPE_SIGNING_NOT_COMPLETED Envelope signing process is not completed. Metadata can be retrieved only for signed Envelopes. Retrieve envelope metadata, Audit logs
ENVELOPE_STATUS_IS_NOT_UNSIGNED You can send reminder to signers only for unsigned Envelope. Remind
ENVELOPE_USER_IS_NOT_A_CREATOR Only the envelope creator can cancel the envelope. Cancel
ERROR_EXTEND_DUE_DATE An error occurred while extending due date (try again). Extend envelope signing due date
F FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS File (name) already exists Add attachments
FILE_EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED The file extension is not supported or not available in User Plan file types.

Upload file request, Upload file template request, Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request, Add attachments

FILE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED File extension is not supported. Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files, Upload file template, Add attachments
FILE_HAS_TOOMANY_PAGES The uploaded file contains more pages than the actual limit.

Upload file request, Upload file template request, Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request

FILE_INVALID The file is invalid for processing Upload file request, Upload file template request, Create template
FILE_IS_PASSWORD_PROTECTED The uploaded file has password protection. Upload file request, Upload file template request
FILE_REQUIRED A file is required. Upload file request, Upload file template request
FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED File size limit should not exceed user plan. Add attachments
FORM_FIELD_NOT_SUPPORTED Form fields are supported only for Checkbox, Customdate, Dropdown, and Textbox in template. Create envelope with template
  • H position value cannot be 0 or negative.

  • H position value for {signature} should be between {minHeight} and {maxHeight}.

  • H position value cannot be less than {minWidth} in {tabName} tabs.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
H_POSITION_PERCENTAGE_INVALID_VALUE H position percentage value must be between 0 and 100. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
H_POSITION_REQUIRED H position value is required with element tag in {tabName} tab. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
HYBRID_SIGNING_ORDER_ZERO In hybrid flow signing order value can not be 0. Create envelope with template
I IDENTICAL_ELEMENT_TAG_DETAIL_FOUND Element tag detail can not be same for two different signers Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
INCORRECT_EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD Incorrect email or password Get an OAuth token
INPUT_CHARACTER_LIMIT_EXCEEDS Input character limit must not be greater than {X} characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
INVALID_ACTION_NAME Action name is invalid Template actions
INVALID_APIKEY_OR_SECRET Invalid ApiKey or Secret Get an OAuth token
INVALID_CHARACTER_LIMIT_TYPE_VALUE You have entered an invalid char limit type. Allowable values are Min, Max, Exact. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
INVALID_CHECKBOX_GROUP_NAME Group name is invalid Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
INVALID_CHECKBOX_GROUP_VALIDATION_TYPE You have entered an invalid validation type. Allowable values are SelectAtleastone, SelectAll, or None Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
INVALID_DUE_DATE Due Date must be in mm/dd/yyyy format and it must be greater than today's date. Extend envelope signing due date
INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS Please enter a valid email address Remind
INVALID_END_DATE End date must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. End date should not be greater than today. Post envelopes list
INVALID_ENVELOPE_STATUS Invalid status: {StatusName}. Enter a valid status. Post envelopes list
INVALID_PAGE_NO Invalid page number. It should be between 1 and 100. Post envelopes list
INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER Invalid page number Get List of Available Templates
INVALID_PAGE_SIZE Invalid page size Get List of Available Templates, Post envelopes list
INVALID_PLACEHOLDER Provided placeholder is invalid Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN Invalid refresh token Refresh OAuth token
INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER The request contains invalid parameters Applicable to all methods
INVALID_START_DATE Start date must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. Start date should not be greater than End date. Post envelopes list
INVALID_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VALUE You have entered an invalid alignment value. Correct values are "Bottom, Middle, Top" Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files
INVALID_TOKEN Invalid basic token value.

Get an OAuth token, Refresh OAuth token

INVALID_TURN_FOR_SIGNER It is not given signer's turn to sign document. You can send reminder on signer's turn only. Remind
INVALID_VALIDATION_TYPE_VALUE You have entered an invalid validation type. Allowable values are None, numericOnly, alphabetOnly Create envelope with files, Create template with file request, Create template
INVALID_VALUE The requested document ID is not valid. Add attachments, List attachments, Download attachments, Retrieve envelope metadata
M MAX_NUMBER_OF_DOCUMENTS_REACHED Max number of documents reached

Upload file request, Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Upload file template request, Create template with file request, Create template

MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENVELOPES_REACHED Max number of envelopes reached Create envelope with template
N NEW_CONTACT_DETAILS_IS_NOT_ALLOWED On verified contact not allow new details. Create document with template
NO_FILE_SELECTED No file selected. Add attachments
NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_EMBEDDED_SIGN The account is not authorized for embedded signing of the requested document Embedded signing
O OBSERVER_CANNOT_REPEAT The observers can not be repeated in the list.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template

OBSERVER_EMAIL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Observer email can not be more than 150 characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
OBSERVER_EMAIL_REQUIRED Observer email cannot be null or empty.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template

OBSERVER_INVALID_EMAIL Invalid email of Observer.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template

OBSERVER_TITLE_IS_REQUIRED Observer title can not be null or empty. Create envelope with template
OBSERVER_TITLE_LIMIT_EXCEEDS Observer title can have a max of 20 characters. Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template
ONLY_PDF_DOCUMENT_ALLOWED_FOR_ELEMENT_TAG Element tags are only allowed for a PDF document. Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files
P PASSWORD_REQUIRED Password is required. Get an OAuth token
PAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDS Uploaded file contains too many pages. Upload file template
PAGE_NO_EXCEEDED Exceeded page limit. Get List of Available Templates
PAGE_NUMBER_INVALID_VALUE Page number value cannot be 0 or negative

Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files

PAGE_NUMBER_NULL_EMPTY Page number value cannot be null or empty. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
PAGE_SIZE_EXCEEDED Exceeded page size limit Get List of Available Templates
PARALLEL_SIGNING_ORDER_NOT_VALID In parallel flow signing order value not valid. Create envelope with template
PASSWORD_PROTECTED_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED Uploaded file is password protected. Upload file template, Create template, Add attachments
PHONE_NUMBER_DIGIT_LIMIT_EXCEEDS Phone number can have a max of 15 digits. Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create envelope with template

All placeholders cannot be longer than 100 characters.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template
PLACEHOLDER_NOT_EXIST Provided placeholder does not exist. Create envelope with template
PLACEHOLDERS_NOT_UNIQUE Duplicate placeholder values found for one or more signers Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files
PLACEHOLDER_VALUE_IS_REQUIRED Placeholder value required Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template
PRIVATE_NOTE_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Private note can not be more than 4000 characters. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
R RECIPIENT_NOT_IN_SEQUENCE This document has already been signed Embedded signing
RECIPIENT_NOT_SIGNER The provided email is not a signer for the specified document. Embedded signing
REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRED Refresh token is expired. Refresh OAuth token
REFRESH_TOKEN_REQUIRED Refresh token is required. Refresh OAuth token
REMINDER_DAY_GREATER_THEN_EXPIRY_DAY Reminder period should be greater than or equal to expiration days Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
REMINDER_PERIOD_LIMIT_BOUNDED Reminder period must be less than 1000. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
REMINDER_PERIOD_RESTRICTION Reminder not allowed when expiration not more than 1 day. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
REQUESTED_PAGE_NO_EXCEEDS Requested page number is exceeded. Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files
S SAME_CONTENT_FILE_FOUND Sample file of same content already exists. Add attachments
SCRIPTING_TAGS_NOT_ALLOWED Signer/Observer title, name and private message cannot allow scripting tags. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template
SELF_REMINDER_EMAIL_IS_NOT_ALLOWED You cannot send reminder email to yourself. Remind
SEQUENTIAL_SIGNING_ORDER_NOT_VALID In sequential flow signing order value not valid. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
SEQUENTIAL_SIGNING_ORDER_SAME In sequential flow signing order value cannot be repeated.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template

SEQUENTIAL_SIGNING_ORDER_ZERO In sequential flow signing order value cannot be 0

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template

  • Co-ordinate percentage value(s) are incorrect for following page number(s) : {pageNoList}.

  • One or more placeholders set outside document page border for following page number(s) : {pageNo)}.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create template, Create template with file request
SIGN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Your signing limit has been exceeded.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template

SIGNATURE_TYPE_REQUIRED Signature type is required.

Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files

SIGNATURE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED This signature type not supported to your account.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template

SIGNER_COUNTRY_CODE_UNAVAILABLE At least one signer has country code that is unavailable to use. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
SIGNER_COUNTRY_CODE_IS_REQUIRED Country code is required. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
SIGNER_EMAIL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Signer email can not be more than 150 characters.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template


Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Embedded signing

SIGNER_EMAIL_REQUIRED Signer email cannot be null or empty.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Embedded signing

SIGNER_PHONE_NUMBER_IS_INVALID Phone number should contains numeric value only. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
SIGNER_PHONE_NUMBER_IS_REQUIRED Phone number is required. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
SIGNER_SIGN_HERE_TABS_DATA_REQUIRED Signer sign here tabs information cannot be null or empty.

Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files

SIGNER_TABS_DATA_REQUIRED Signer tabs information cannot be null or empty

Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files

SIGNER_TITLE_IS_REQUIRED Signer title cannot be null or empty. Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template
SIGNER_TITLE_LIMIT_EXCEEDS Signer title can have a max of 20 character. Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template
SIGNERS_CANNOT_REPEAT The signers cannot be repeated in the list.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template

SIGNERS_DATA_REQUIRED Signers information cannot be null or empty.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Create template with file request, Create template

SIGNING_DUE_DATE_INVALID The signing due date is invalid Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
SIGNING_ORDER_INVALID_VALUE Signing order value cannot be negative. Create envelope with files, Create envelope
SIGNING_ORDER_SEQUENCE_INVALID Signing order value not sequence. Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template
SIGNING_ORDER_SHOULD_START_FROM_ONE Signing order value must be start with 1. Create envelope with files, Create envelope
START_DATE_REQUIRED Start date is required. Post envelopes list
STATUS_EMPTY Status should not be empty. Post envelopes list
SUPPORTING_DOCUMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Maximum {X} files can be attached. Add attachments
SUPPORTING_DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND No supporting document found. Download attachments
SYSTEM_ERROR The server encountered an unhandled error (a 500 error). Applicable to all methods
T TEMPLATE_ACTIVATE_NOT_ALLOWED Template is already active. Template actions
(a 500 error)
Template creation failed. Create envelope with template
TEMPLATE_DEACTIVATE_NOT_ALLOWED Template is already deactivated. Template actions
TEMPLATE_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED Template is already deleted. Template actions
TEMPLATE_DOCUMENT_REQUIRED Template document JSON information cannot be null or empty. Create document with template
TEMPLATE_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_CURRENT_USER Template is not created by current user. Create envelope with template
TEMPLATE_FILE_REQUIRED File is required. Upload file template
TEMPLATE_ID_INVALID Template ID not found on server Create envelope with template, Template actions
TEMPLATE_ID_REQUIRED Template ID is required. Create envelope with template
TEMPLATE_IS_DELETED Template is deleted. Create envelope with template
TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND_OR_RECIPIENT_NO_ACCESS The requested template is not found or recipient does not have permission to access template. Template actions
TEMPLATE_OBSERVER_COUNT_EXCEED The provided observer title is more than template observer title. Create document with template
TEMPLATE_OBSERVER_TITLE_REPEAT The observer title can not be repeated in the list. Create envelope with template, Create template
TEMPLATE_OBSERVER_USE_OTHER_TITLE The observer title using other title. Create envelope with template
TEMPLATE_OBSERVER_USE_SIGNER_TITLE The observer title using signer title. Create document with template
TEMPLATE_SIGNER_COUNT_EXCEED The provided signer title is more than template singer title. Create envelope with template


The signer title can not be repeated in the list.

Create envelope with template


The signer title using observer title.

Create envelope with template
TEMPLATE_SIGNER_USE_OTHER_TITLE The signer title using other title. Create envelope with template
TEXTBOX_DEFAULT_VALUE_INVALID Text box default value cannot be more than {CharacterLimit} characters. Use alphanumeric characters only. Create envelope with template
TOKEN_EXPIRED Access token is expired (a 401 error)

Applicable to all methods

TOKEN_REQUIRED Token is required.

Refresh OAuth token

U UNAUTHORIZED Client credentials are required (a 401 error) Get an OAuth token

Create envelope with files

USER_ACCOUNT_IS_DEACTIVATED This account has been deactivated. Get an OAuth token
USER_ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_ACTIVATED Your account is not activated yet. Get an OAuth token
USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED User account is locked Upload file request, Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Upload file template request, Create template with file request, Create template
USER_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_LOCKED Admin account is locked

Upload file request, Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Upload file template request, Create template with file request, Create template

USER_AGENT_HTML_IS_NOT_ALLOWED HTML tags are not allowed. Cancel
USER_AGENT_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED User agent cannot be more than 200 characters. Cancel
USER_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_ACCOUNT The user is not a member of the specified account. Get an OAuth token
USER_IP_ADDRESS_HTML_IS_NOT_ALLOWED HTML tags are not allowed. Cancel
USER_IP_ADDRESS_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED User IP Address cannot be more than 50 characters. Cancel
USER_IS_NOT_VERIFIED Please verify your account. Get an OAuth token
USER_LICENSE_EXPIRED User license is expired

Upload file, Upload template file, Embedded signing

USER_MAC_ADDRESS_HTML_IS_NOT_ALLOWED HTML tags are not allowed. Cancel
USER_MAC_ADDRESS_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED User IP Address cannot be more than 50 characters. Cancel
USER_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELLED Subscription is canceled

Upload file request, Create envelope with files, Create envelope, Create envelope with template, Upload file template request, Create template with file request, Create template

USER_SUBSCRIPTION_ENDED Your subscription has ended. Kindly register again to avail the service. Get an OAuth token
V VALID_OBSERVER_NAME_IS_REQUIRED Observer name always alphabetic with spaces. Create document with template
VALID_OBSERVER_TITLE_REQUIRED Observer title allowed only alphanumeric. Create envelope with template
VALID_SIGNER_NAME_IS_REQUIRED Signer name always be alphabet and space. Create document with template
VALID_SIGNER_TITLE_REQUIRED Signer title allowed only alphanumeric. Create envelope with template
VALIDATION_TYPE_VALUE_IS_REQUIRED Validation type value is required Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files
VALUE_CAN_NOT_BE_ZERO_OR_NEGATIVE Character limit cannot be zero or negative value. Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files
  • W position value cannot be 0 or negative.

  • W position value for {signature} should be between {minHeight} and {maxHeight}.

  • W position value cannot be less than {minWidth} in {tabName} tabs.

Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files

W_POSITION_PERCENTAGE_INVALID_VALUE W position percentage value must be between 0 and 100.

Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files

W_POSITION_REQUIRED W position value is required with element tag in {tabName} tab. Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files
X X_POSITION_INVALID_VALUE X position value cannot be 0 or negative.

Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files

X_POSITION_PERCENTAGE_INVALID_VALUE X position percentage value must be between 0 and 100.

Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files

Y Y_POSITION_INVALID_VALUE Y position value cannot be 0 or negative.

Create envelope with files, Create envelope,Create template with file request, Create template

Y_POSITION_PERCENTAGE_INVALID_VALUE Y position percentage value must be between 0 and 100.

Create envelope, Create envelope with files, Create template, Create template with files

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